Prism Specialties: Storm Safety Tips for Protecting Electronics

Prism Specialties

Keeping electronic devices safe during a thunderstorm can be as easy as unplugging them. But what about electronics you can’t unplug? What if you’re not there to unplug them when a storm rolls through? In addition, you could argue that it’s not worth going around the house unplugging all your stuff. By the time you’re […]

Keeping electronic devices safe during a thunderstorm can be as easy as unplugging them. But what about electronics you can’t unplug? What if you’re not there to unplug them when a storm rolls through? In addition, you could argue that it’s not worth going around the house unplugging all your stuff. By the time you’re done, the storm could have passed through, and now you have to plug everything back in! If you believe your appliances or devices have been damaged by a lightning strike, Prism Specialties can provide a device assessment for you. Click here to submit a claim.

Lightning Safety Tips and Surge Protection Devices

Prevention is key when it comes to lightning safety. There are reliable products on the market that will protect your electronic devices during thunderstorms. Check out our simple tips for protecting your electronics at home or work:

  • Get a lightning protection system
    You probably know these as lightning rods. Your lightning rod should be taller than the building or house. Lightning rods are tall aluminum or copper rods that are connected to a thick wire made of the same metal as the rod. The wire is connected to a wire grid buried underground, some distance away from the structure. Lightning rods give lightning an easy path into the ground, where the electrical current can safely dissipate. Installing a lightning rod at your home or business will significantly reduce possible damages caused by lightning strikes.
  • Don’t rely on power strip surge protectors
    Surge protectors you can buy at big box stores are designed to protect home electronics from small, everyday power surges caused by things like tripped circuit breakers or short circuits. In this sense, everyday surge protectors do serve an important purpose in protecting computers and other electronic devices from small surges. However, they don’t stand a chance against a lightning strike, which can jolt your electrical system with 100,000 amps. If you are concerned about lightning-related damages, you need more robust protection than what these small surge protectors can offer.
  • Get a whole house surge protector
    The strongest residential surge protection device you can get for home use is a whole house surge protector. Your electrician will install it right next to your electrical panel, and it will cut power to your whole house the instant it senses a systemic power surge. With a whole house surge protector, you don’t have to worry about your electronics being destroyed by a surge when you’re not home. No need to go around unplugging everything when a storm looms nearby. No hassle, no fuss. Bigger structural surge protectors are also available for commercial and industrial applications. Organizations that use many computers or heavy machinery must invest in comprehensive surge protection to keep their operations running smoothly through weather events.

Prism Specialties Repairs Electronics and Retrieves Data from Damaged Devices

Prism Specialties can often recover data from a wide range of damaged electronics, including hard drives, external drives, phones, and digital cameras. Call Prism Specialties at 888-826-9429  or click to request service, and a member of our team will contact you within one business day.

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